Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (April 07, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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  1. > エトリアの街はずれで発見された巨大な大地の裂け目。

    I was wondering if someone can help me with 思わす, I can’t figure out what that is doing with 思う

    Anyway I think the rest is:

    At the end of the town of Etria a giant rift was discovered.

    A chasm that continued to the bottom of the Earth [something???][unbelievably?] huge underground labyrinth of the sea of trees.

    Context: https://w.atwiki.jp/sekaiju_maze/pages/14.html

  2. I am unsure about the meaning of 親への手前 here:
    しかも その時の あたしは昼は学校 夜は寄席という忙しい日々に追われる身でもあったのです。

    うちの親への手前 あたしを高等科までは通わせたいという 師匠の計らいだったのですが 結果として一日中 落語漬けの信さんとの差は歴然として ついていき あたしはその力量の差がどんどん つらくなっておりました。
    I saw the grammar for Noun + の + 手前 [here](https://bunpro.jp/grammar_points/410) . If it was 親の手前, then I think it would be like, in front of the parents the 師匠 had to make sure the speaker went to school to a high level. But because it’s 親への手前, does this mean 師匠 did it for how the parents are seen by others? Something like [defn 3](https://jisho.org/search/%E6%89%8B%E5%89%8D) (face, honour).

  3. I have a Japanese iOS. Do they have any apps like the English manga plus that shows free manga? Doesn’t need to be Jump.

  4. I’m at the VERY beginning of trying to learn Japanese. I’ve done about a month on Duolingo, which I think I’m dropping because I’m not sure it’s doing much for me. I’m one day into Rosetta Stone.

    Both of these platforms seem to go from 0-60 in an instant though.

    One moment Duolingo is teaching me a single word at a time, and the next lesson I need to translate multi word sentences without ever having the individual words taught.

    Basically the same thing in Rosetta Stone, except instead of filling in blanks I’m speaking the words, which works ok. Up until the 3rd lesson where we go from single words to again, complete sentences with different words than we’ve learned so far.

    After two platforms making (to me) giant leaps in difficulty I’m wondering if I’m missing something? Is this par for the course and something I’d expect if I were to sign up for a Japanese language course locally?

  5. Any show recommendations which are easier or on par with shirokuma cafe in difficulty, Slice of life with atleast decent animation would be best

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