Video of Sri Lankan who died in detention in Japan

Video of Sri Lankan who died in detention in Japan

  1. Wishma was the 17th person to die in Japanese immigration detention since 2007.

  2. Obviously she was in no position or strength to escape or to do any harm.
    They should have taken her to the hospital and provide real care not just massages.

  3. Absolutely disgusting. It’s clear she cannot move, eat, or even drink by herself!

  4. That’s sickening. She was begging them to take her to a hospital for days.

    No charges were filed due to them being unable to “identify a causal link between the facility’s treatment of Wishma and her death”.

  5. From that video and the way she was talking i thought she was around 70…. no dude she was like in her 30s and in her pics before going in here she looked young healthy and vibrant. WTF did they do to her in there.

  6. This is what our worth is in Japan. This is how much Japan care for us.
    You are basically a tool here. If you are broken, you will be thrown away. I can hear Japanese people say “she must’ve done something to deserve that and to be there”.

    Japanese justice system is just horrible. I can’t find words to explain.

    I want to say so much more but I can’t. Poor woman. Such a horrible way to die.

    Such disgusting people. The woman is dying there and they massage her? What piece of shits!

    Can anyone tell us what should we do if we end up in her position?
    And please don’t give the Japanese answer: you shouldn’t do anything to end up there.

  7. That poor girl. She was asking for help and denied.

    I was really sick a few months ago, no energy, difficulties breathing, I got turned away from hospitals, the fact I was able to actually go somewhere else and get a proper diagnosis was my only saving grace, in detention I bet I would have died too.

    Don’t overstay your visa if you enjoy living.

  8. I see no direct physical abuse, however there is definitely neglect. Didn’t the officer talk to her superior to take her to the hospital? Why was it denied? Why was an IV not even administered, was it?

    Also, how did she end up in the state she was in? This is also a big part of the puzzle that I think needs answering.

  9. From what I can see strong bureaucracy allows for people to suspend their own personal beliefs and morality because they’re following procedure. This means that they don’t harbor the necessary sense of responsibility or worse, fear and avoid it.

    Those workers knew something was wrong. But the culture they were raised in told them to act how they did. I’m not saying they aren’t responsible; they clearly are. But I think it’s prudent to look at the whole picture as opposed to isolated incidents. This is becoming a pattern and patterns happen for reasons that should be examined closely.

  10. It’s heartbreaking to watch. I can’t imagine her despair and suffering as she was slowly dying away.

  11. In Japan, sadly bureaucracy is more important than humanity. We just put our daughters in school and were told that if they did not have their insurance information listed on their hats, they would not be eligible for insurance in case of an accident while walking to and from school. In the US, of course, all the bureaucracy could be taken care of after the fact, but in Japan, it is form before content in all situations – even when it comes to health and safety.

  12. This is a terrible, sickening and sad video. Very hard to watch. But almost equally hard is seeing idiots in this comment section broad brush branding all (or maybe 99%) of Japanese as uncaring, dumb, not treating foreigners as humans as a result of this incident. I really don’t understand the thought process.

  13. I think Japan should do what countries like Thailand and Indonesia does and charge for VoA. That way foreign money can be used to serve specific foreign needs, including coverage for temporary medical care, legal fees and assistant with leaving the country. This would solve the issue of having to face criticism for using tax money for this purpose

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