Unification Church corrects remarks amid scrutiny over Abe’s death

Unification Church corrects remarks amid scrutiny over Abe’s death


  1. A ban on donations more than (say) a tenth of income or assets (except for bequests) would be a good move. This sounds so much like bank transfer fraud or pressure sales – so it should be controlled in similar ways.

  2. Why killing Abe though? Shouldn’t have been entered the head office of the church instead?

    What Abe had to do with it?

  3. This is a pyramid scheme not a religion… Time for some heavy taxation and a little regulatory lovin.

  4. Anybody who hasn’t heard much about the Unification Church should listen to Dr. Steven Hassan talking about them. They’re an ugly, exploitative cult.

    I would love to see SGI/Komeito, Moonies, Happy Science, and their ilk pushed out of Japanese politics. Now is the time to keep the pressure on them and make it taboo for any politicians to be involved with them in any way. I don’t even think they need to be banned. Just make it scandalous to be involved with them.

  5. Agreed. It’s useless to try and argue the point that they’re predatory. Just make them radioactive to the point association = political suicide. But how do we go about this?

  6. The Unification Church is a religious organisation of Korean origin. It’s treated as a cult in Europe. Japanese people in general hate Koreans who get involved in politics in this way. This time it came to light that they meddled in politics, but there was also a big problem in 2011 when Korean political forces interfered with the Japanese press. They fabricated the popularity of k-pop, which is not popular in Japan at all, and reported Koreans who committed crimes under false names as Japanese. Sometimes I see fabricated information on SNS and Reddit that Japanese people love Koreans and Korean culture for Japanese, but this is Korean stealth marketing and lies. Overall, Japanese people do not like Koreans or Korean culture, with the largest group of people indifferent to K-pop, followed by those who are fed up with the false claims of popularity and have grown to dislike it. Only a small number of people say they love K-pop, and among them there is a mix of zainichi Koreans pretending to be Japanese.

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