Lenovo website

Guys, any recent experience ordering from here [https://www.lenovo.com/jp/ja/pc/](https://www.lenovo.com/jp/ja/pc/) ?

I’m so confused… I saw an old topic and ppl said it’s ok but…

I tried to pay by Rakuten. First my bank send me sms with fraud alert and asks me to confirm it. Ok. Then after 4 days lenovo sends me an email asking some kind of オーソリゼーションコード . Couldn’t get a proper answer wtf is that. Cancelled the order but credit money doesn’t come back that quick so idk will I actually receive it.

Then I try to pay with Debit. After entering the info it’s all grey and I see the \* part “refrain from using debit cards…”

So the last option is a bank transfer. It’s not unusual, I pay my pills by that to another jp website.


***The transfer email:***

>**Please transfer the amount to the following bank account within one week after ordering.**
>**Financial institution name:** *Citibank, N.A.*
>**Branch name:** *Yamabuki branch*
>**Deposit type:** *current* account
>**Account Number:** *920 + (last 4 digits of your order number)*
>**Account Name:** *Lenovo Japan GK or Lenovo Japan*
>**Transfer name:** *\[customer name\] + \[order number\]*
>**About the bank account number**\- The bank account number to which the money will be transferred depends on the customer’s order number.- Your account number will be 920 + \[last 4 digits of your order number\].- Your order number can be found on the “Thank you” screen when you place your order or in this email.- When making a transfer, please enter your order number after your name.

***I can’t properly express my confusion level. Do I missing something in the bank transfer system?***

  1. Never tried ordering from there, but isn’t the bank transfer thing straightforward?

    You should be able to change your name as customer name+order number, and once you put the account number as 920+ your order number, it should say Lenovo Japan GK or Lenovo Japan as the account you’re sending to automatically (make sure it is though).

  2. >Then after 4 days lenovo sends me an email asking some kind of オーソリゼーションコード .

    This is probably because it’s a big purchase It may be that you need to setup a security password for 3D Secure, this is usually how the authorization code is communicated between the bank and the merchant. You should be able to set that up on the credit card website.

    >***I can’t properly express my confusion level. Do I missing something in the bank transfer system?***

    Could you be more specific on what you’re confused about? It seems fairly straightforward.

  3. I ordered from there a few months ago, paid by credit card and everything went through like any other transaction.

  4. Also I paid more money to apple with Rakuten card. They didn’t ask me any codes. So it’s not about the amount.
    But generally I understood that nobody confused here. So thanks

  5. I can see why it feels weird that the bank account is 920 plus the last 4 digits of your order number, because usually each customer’s order number is different, and if that were the case it feels like you’d be transferring your money to some random bank account somewhere. My theory is that each customer’s order number is generated with the *first* digits being unique and the last four matching the Lenovo bank account number for the region where you are.

    When you do a bank transfer from an ATM, first you put in the bank name and then the branch name and then the account type and account number. After that the name of the account that you are transferring to should appear. I’d just try it, and if it doesn’t say Lenovo Japan GK or Lenovo Japan in the name field, just cancel the transaction. If it does, then you know it’s OK.

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