Misc. questions post residency

I hope this fits within the rules. I am still currently a resident for a little while after this post. I plan to leave and come back as a tourist to finish up some residency issues, and I plan to re-gain residency in the future so let’s see…

* Finishing up residency: I went to ward office and said I was leaving, filled out the form and then went to the health insurance counter to hand in my card and confirm that I didn’t owe any money. I asked if I had to follow up with the tax counter as well but no one seemed to know and I ran out of time and had to go before waiting in line to ask them. Some of the ward office staff didn’t really have a clue about the process, the first person I spoke to said I didn’t have to do anything except leave the country but when I inquired about insurance she said to go talk to them and then they advised me to do the form the proper way… So I feel like I need to close something up with city/prefecture tax counter, or is it automatic?

* I have a driver’s license that is still good for 2 more years. If I come back as a tourist, can I still use that license with my passport as ID? I faintly remember reading that it’s okay but searching online only brings up how to do license conversions or IDPs.

* Gonna do pension refund when I re-enter so that’s not a problem.

* Any other other loose ends to tie up?

  1. Your moving out procedure (the tenshutsu todoke) should have taken care of the city stuff (like taxes), and you did your health insurance stuff. You also might need to go to the pension desk and fill out some papers there too

    Are you already aware of how to do the Lump Sum pension stuff? You have to file while you’re not a resident so I guess as a tourist is fine but you need that tenshutsu todoke, so don’t forget it. Plus your tax rep stuff

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