No. Of Entries on Visa

On my previous visa it said “No. of Entries MULTIPLE”. My current visa says “No. of Entries SINGLE” . I’m planning on leaving the country for about a month in the summer. Is this SINGLE entry visa an issue? Can I just go to the airport as usual Or do I need to go to the immigration office and do something before I leave the country ?

  1. Your visa is only good for your first entry.

    At immigration you should have been given a residence card. Your residence card is now your “visa” and you can enter and exit as many times as you like as long as you get a reentry permit when leaving.

  2. Your initial visa is given to you to enter the country. After that you’re given a residence card that states you are a student. When you want to go back to your country temporarily, you use your residence card + passport for travelling.
    At the airport in Japan they will either give you, or will be handing out small papers for foreigners who leave temporarily. It’s usually near the passport control section. You fill it out ticking off “I’ll come back within 1 year” box and give it to the passport control guy together with your passport and zairyu card. They will staple the paper in your passport.
    Then when you go back to japan, you show your passport and zairyu card at the airport of your home country. Then they will check that paper at the border control here in Japan.

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