Japanese working visa

Hi everyone! I ve seen over the internet that the requirements for working visa in Japan would be to have a degree or 10 years of experience in a specific field. The thing is that I ve read over the internet some stories when people could obtain without any of those requirements (for example having 4-5 years of experience in teaching but without a degree). The main question is.. If a company really wants to make you an offer and to make you an employee of the company itself, could your working visa to be accepted anyway? Could they provide it without any degree or 10 years of experience? Thanks in advance

  1. The are a ton of factors. The “10 years of experience” thing is not a hard rule. Other factors like professional certifications, offered salary, or prestige of the employer would also come into play. If Google or Amazon wanted you in Japan, they’d probably be able to make it happen.

    But yes immigration can and will reject applicants if the officer reviewing the case feels that you’re not qualified enough.

  2. >for example having 4-5 years of experience in teaching but without a degree

    For this particular example: No, you would not be able to get a visa.

    If by “Teaching” you mean English teaching, there are no exceptions made for English teachers. It’s a low-skill job where experience isn’t particularly valued, and there are so many applicants that there’s no value in a company going to bat for an applicant who doesn’t meet the immigration criteria.

    If by “Teaching” you mean *real* teaching, you wouldn’t even get a job offer, so the visa question is irrelevant. International schools (The only kind of school a foreigner has any real chance of getting a job at) expect a degree, a teaching certification from your home country, and 2+ years of classroom experience in that same country.

  3. It depends on the visa category. For “Humanities” and “Engineer”, you need 10 years. But for “International Services” you only need 3 years.

  4. if you are coming here to be an english teaching dont bother the industry is dead. get a skill then move over here. if you somehow get here without any skills your life will suck here. its poverty but in japan wow!

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