Half of unmarried people under 30 in Japan do not want kids: survey

Half of unmarried people under 30 in Japan do not want kids: survey


  1. I wonder if its because the survey is done in Osaka. Maybe in rural areas people still want kids and the gov might want to focus on that.

  2. Well when your pay is shit and stagnant then why would you want to think about adding extra expenses lol.

    Also I find it weird that people and society just expect everyone to want kids, surely it should work on a more opt in situation than the current opt out. Especially in the current economic climate where it’s almost impossible to sustain a family on a single income. If both parents are working full time jobs with crazy overtime, how exactly are you meant to be able to find time to raise kids? Yeah daycare exists but then you have to pay for that too lol.

  3. Half of the population not wanting kids is pretty normal for a developed country.

    Having kids is a choice, a big choice at that, and not everyone want to do it.

    Birthrate in some developed countries:

    Canada: 1.5

    Finland: 1.4

    Japan: 1.4

    Portugal: 1.3

    Singapore: 1.2

    You see Japan is not so different from others.

  4. But when I was not married and under 30, I did. It want kids either. I was finishing up uni, working a bit and traveling the world living out of a backpack.

    But people change. Now I’m late-mid thirties, and happily married with young kids

    Point there is I think it’s pretty common these days for people under 30 to be (1) unmarried and (2) not wanting kids.

  5. I’m over 30 and married and do not want kids.

    Hello fellow youths. We are the same.

  6. In America The older generations, want the younger generation to make more children so they have soldiers. Because In America we’re obsessed with The Militarized Industrial Complex.

  7. How does a country support an aging population with a dwindling workforce? With fewer workers and a shrinking population, it will be impossible to keep up current levels of spending without increasing taxes. Japan’s debt in comparison to its GDP is several times higher than the US, so they’re already borrowing from the future.

  8. I m married and have a 1 year old daughter.
    It’s challenging raising a child. I love children and I always wanted to be a father. However, waking up at 2am in the morning because your little one can’t stop crying is a difficult.

  9. Having kids cost too much especially in education. So only rich people would like to have kids and most young people in Japan work with low salaries. Hence this is a natural result.

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