Help with labeling an address on a package to Japan

Forgive me if this is a non-issue and/or the wrong sub to post this in, but I’m making a post about this just so that way I can avoid any potential mistakes. But basically I need some advice on how to properly format the address for a package I’ll be sending soon, mainly being:

1) the formatting of the address (I.E, what I should put on each line, and what order if that’s important)

2) What language to write it in, or if I should do both (This might seem strange, but the person I’m shipping this to said to do it in Japanese, but I wasn’t entirely convinced about that)

Any advice or links to other resources that can answer either of these things would be incredibly helpful and appreciated. And if there are any other small or quirky things I should watch out for please let me know.

1 comment
  1. They’re a lot less strict on this than you think.

    – English is fine
    – Building name (including floor and room if it’s an apartment/mansion), and postal code are the most important.
    – Order is not important. You can start with the building name, district name, city name, prefecture name, then the postal code, or the other way around.

    John Yamada

    201 Tulip Homes
    1-10-11 Jingumae

    You don’t even need to put the “-ku”, “-shi”, “-to”, etc. (e.g. Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to, etc.)

    That’s all you need.

    I’m 100% sure about this because I do this all the time.

    Edit: In “1-10-11”, 1 is the district name in number form (choume), 10 is the block (ban), and 11 is the building number (gou). This is also a must.

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