Relaying good wishes… おめでとう?

Messaging with a Japanese friend, she mentioned she can’t make plans on a certain date because she’s going to her sister’s wedding. In English, I think most people would say something about the wedding — “that’s amazing,” “so happy for her” et cetera. I wrote「お姉さんおめでとう!」to convey that feeling. Is this something a Japanese speaker would say, or is there a more natural option? Thanks for any help!

  1. I think you can keep it pretty simple! Things like 「いいね!」or 「お姉さんは幸せになりますように」or 「結婚式、楽しみでしょ?」、whatever.

  2. I think your reply is nice😉
    Some Japanese people would write it
    I would write “おぉ〜!それはおめでたいね!お姉さん、結婚おめでとうございます✨”

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