Video of Sri Lankan woman who died in Nagoya detention shown to public

Video of Sri Lankan woman who died in Nagoya detention shown to public

  1. It is a video that you can see well that she was on hunger strike

    Immigration Bureau not guilty

    The problem is that when criminals are detained, they are not immediately deported.

  2. Illegally here, but if she was being forced to stay at the detention center then all care should have been provided. However lets see what the verdict is. If they had energy to get shitty with the staff, then they could have drunk something.

  3. Fuck sake, that was horrifying.

    I really hope their family gets the justice they deserve.

    I am not sure why they’d detain people and not deport them immediately. If they cannot deport and have to detain, I feel it’s their responsibility to provide medical support when needed.

    It’s nuts man. My heart goes out for this girl.
    Screw the boss screw everyone in the chain and lock them up for murder.

  4. That’s why in the US, the police cannot question people of immigration status when responding to calls such as domestic violence.

  5. What was the actual cause of death? I mean the medical staff and care workers present seemed to be doing what ever they could within their constraints (which wasn’t much) so I think it’s a bit unfair to blame them. It’s the system in Japan that is the problem. Rules are rules and are absolutely unbendable so people won’t even try. Even if it means breaking them to save a life.

  6. Let’s have some perspective here,
    Worse she did was didn’t do some paperwork on time.
    For that she is not able to sleep and eat for months.

    She didn’t harm anyone, she was determined illegal by decrypt laws.
    People could just walk the land, now there’s legal immigration and shit.

    Where’s scale of proportion here?

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