About language school

I want to learn Japanese and I learned that there are 1 year language schools. I couldn’t find much detailed information on the internet, so if anyone knows, I would like to get an opinion. How much budget do I need to come to language school in Japan, and as a very social person, is it possible to be friendless in Japan? I’m asking this because most people says people in japan shy and distant.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **About language school**

    I want to learn Japanese and I learned that there are 1 year language schools. I couldn’t find much detailed information on the internet, so if anyone knows, I would like to get an opinion. How much budget do I need to come to language school in Japan, and as a very social person, is it possible to be friendless in Japan? I’m asking this because most people says people in japan shy and distant.

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  2. There are sites like GoGoNihon that are entirely dedicated to this subject, so that’s probably a good place to start.

    You’ll probably need 2M JPY a year for the tuition alone; you’ll also need to factor in living costs while you study.

    Best of luck.

  3. There is an association of Japanese language schools : nisshinkyo. They have a website where you can search schools, compare the courses and the exams results.

    For the cost of living here, it will depend on where and how.

    If you chose Osaka, go to the school’s sponsored room and make most of your food, you can stay under 5万円 per month. The big cost would be the entertainment part : transportation is expensive, and eating outside / going for a drink can be as costly as your month of groceries.

    The schools are usually between 70万円 – 100万円 per year here.

    When you arrive at the airport and show your visa, I’d recommend to ask for the possibility to have a part-time job. That will help you not spend all your savings, and will give you a big boost in exercising Japanese if you get the right job.

    I know many schools help you making the file application, as they are the ones sending the CoE demand for you. I used an intermediate company (free of charge), but it was often a waste of time and communication delays between what the school asked and what we sent back. If you are able to chose your school alone, you may not need further help from these companies.

    If you want to start in October, I’d suggest you to quickly search and contact schools, March-April is often the deadline for first contacts.

  4. > I couldn’t find much detailed information on the internet

    Have you checked the websites of those language schools that offer a one year course?

    >is it possible to be friendless in Japan?

    Friendship requires communication. Can you communicate in Japanese?

    >because most people says people in japan shy and distant.

    Most people aren’t shy or distant, but they also don’t have a reason to go out of the way to talk to a passerby that has nothing to do with them most of the time when they have work to do or are on their way to go out to see their actual friends.

  5. Budget: 2M yen a year is very frugal, 4M yen a year is comfortable, and 6M yen a year is fairly luxurious. This includes rent and tuition, but not flights.

    Friends: Are you young? Engage in the nightlife. People are distant during the day but chatty as hell at night. You’ll probably meet one or two people at your language school who will go out with you, and from there, you can make lots of friends.

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