Can I finally report this to the Police ?( 26F)

I haven’t yet only because my company says I can’t. Only if the person says anything aggressive/ bad or they physically touch me.

On my commute back home I noticed this dude. I want to say in Oct/Nov 2022. I was laughing at the time (songs or just a good day) anyway we made eye contact.
He smiled at me when I did.
I knew I messed up.
After that I always check to make sure he couldn’t see me/ follow. I never looked at him since.

But about a month ago he stopped me and ask me in Japanese something along the lines (I saw you at -shop. You were there right?) I just said no and walked away. I check when I did go which was on Feb.That’s when I noticed I would see this dude at least once a week on the same day.

After that I freaked out and called my Japanese coworkers. They all said the same thing . Don’t go home, take a different path and such.

Two weeks ago, I was with a friend and we saw him again. My friend recorded him. He was screaming at a wall when he saw us and mutter stuff when we passed by.

So I read if they might have mental issues or something it is considered a welfare issue. Police can’t do anything.

This week I saw them again.
I should have recorded it but I called my friends instead.
As I was passing by , obviously to the right side he was on the left, as we got closer he immediately stood in front of me to block me . If I didn’t look up I would have knocked into him but I dodge him and walk away. Again not going home.

This is why I wanted to know , can I finally report this dude?

One of my Coworkers is going to walk with me next week to possible intervene.

But what can I do? I’m glad he hasn’t found out where I live but he knows I live in the area. And is deliberately changing his pace to mine, I tried going later than usual but he has too.

  1. What “crime” would you like to report? You saw on your commute 5 times in 6 months?
    He might be taking the same train, that’s not a crime and it sounds like it’s just by chance. The person might have some mental issues (not illegal, lot’s of strange people are on the trains talking to themselves or shouting for no reason here), but didn’t touch or hurt you,nor did the person show any sign of possible upcoming violence against you.He SMILED at you. That’s not illegal. Nor is standing somewhere in people’s way.
    Just ignore him.

    BTW: Recording him for no reason might be illegal, you might get arrested yourself.

  2. You should definitely go to the koban and let them know, at least. He’s stalking you. Not sure why your company says you can’t report it.

  3. Why are you discussing this issue with your company? What are you expecting your company to do about it?

    Yes if it bothers you talk to a Koban close to your house and explain the situation.
    There are tons of creeps in Japan and they will fully understand how to handle the situation and give you advice.

  4. How far from your home did you first notice him? Is he always in the same area? Do you usually see him on the same route? Could he just live in the same area as you?

  5. Thank you for sharing your experience and I can imagine that you are feeling frustrated and a little scared. Here is my advice:

    1. Go to the koban and file a report. They won’t be able to do anything just now, but it gets the ball rolling in case things escalate in the future.
    2. Any time the guy follows you or tries to engage, walk directly to the koban. If the police are there, immediately turn and point to the person. If not pick up the phone inside and begin to talk, making it obvious that you are summoning the police.
    3. Don’t engage with this person in any way. Don’t make eye contacts, don’t speak, don’t stay long enough to listen. Don’t show any emotional reaction. Completely ignore them and make a beeline to the koban.
    4. If the koban is too far, go to station or conbini. Immediately tell one of the workers inside what is happening.
    5. The police can’t do anything at this point, but they do have to come when you call. Use their presence as a consequence for him making any attempt to engage with you. If you do it repeatedly, it may either dissuade him or pester the police enough to attempt to deal with it.

  6. Don’t listen to your company. They have zero say what you can and what you cannot do outside of work duties. Report.

  7. I’ll report next week. If he tries to do anything again. I don’t want to because I do feel bad for them if they aren’t okay. But he thinks he knows me when I never talked to him ever. He stares at me constantly when I pass by. (Again I avoid eye contact) When he stopped me and said he saw me at that shop, I was there but I never saw him. It was two months ago. And just last month he said he saw me there. And only recently has he been trying to interact with me more. I just want to be left alone.
    The reason I notice it was only that day was because the rest of the week I’m busy or I come home at odd times. Now I’m not doing as much and come home at the same time and only saw them that day sometimes twice a week.

    I’ll avoid that path home now. But I am worried.

  8. Feel free to make a report with the police, but be prepared for an uphill battle for them to take you seriously.
    Tell them:
    – He smiled at you.
    – He asked you a question whether he saw you before.
    – You see him in the area once a week.
    – You saw him muttering stuff at a wall.
    – He stood in front of you and you had to walk around him.

    Unless there are more details about things he actually did (rather than your feelings, which may be considered subjective), the police are probably going to be perplexed at why you are making a report. Every area has a local weirdo.

    But, if you can actually get them to take a report, it will count as documented evidence if it gets worse and you need to take further action.

    Good luck.

  9. 1. The koban cops in the area you live will be more than happy to explain to him that his attentions are unwanted, especially if you say make sure he can follow you before you duck into the koban.

    2. You can also call the non-emergency line for a translator before you go to the koban and explain the situation and that you’re headed there right now while being followed.

    3. If things escalate at all go to the main station, NOT THE KOBAN and call the above number and make a criminal complaint for stalking. Do not let them talk you out of it. Be persistent. They might want you to go to multiple stations and talk to lots of people. Just refuse to leave until they have taken a criminal complaint.

    4. Your company is useless stop listening to them.

  10. >I haven’t yet only because my company says I can’t.

    Why is your company making a decision for you?? Go to the police station today, and call 110 if it ever happens again.

  11. Not sure about this. Maybe he just lives in your area and you’re running in to him by accident? So far he didn’t really do anything to you except for smiling at you and try to strike up a conversation once, right? From the story, I’d say you’re most likely being paranoid and the guy has some issues of his own, hence the screaming at a wall (or maybe on the phone with earpods?).

    Anyway, if you feel threatened, go to the koban, they should be able to help you out. I don’t even see why you felt the need to bring your company into this, they don’t have any authority over anyone’s behaviour.

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