Itinerary Check Tokyo First week of October – thoughts on removing things or rearranging things?

Hello! First time making a post like this…and I have been extensively planning because we want to see a lot of things and it is our first time in Japan. I am not completely done with our 2nd or 3rd weeks in Japan which will be in different locals.

A couple things to note:

1: We are prebooking a JR pass though that will be mostly for our out of Tokyo trips; will also be getting a Suica card for use on other trains and \*maybe\* a Tokyo metro pass if they have like a week long one. We plan to stick mostly to trains/trams and the like and only do buses if absolutely necessary. We are also going to opt for a meet and great from a JR employee as soon as we get there so we can be sure to get through things smoothly. I have been using google maps to plot out travel time, as well.

2: We will be preparing things early for the customs using that Visit Japan App so it will have all our pertinent information. We will also have all the physical things on hand as well, including prescription information and the forms needed for that since my husband takes Ritalin and has a CPAP for sleeping.

3: Our hotel is in Shibuya so hoping that will make travel easier hopefully.

4: We are prebooking as many passes to attractions as possible.

The problem is I think I might be over eager in wanting to do and see as much as possible on our first, though hopefully not last trip.

**Arrive September 30th early afternoon.**

* Get through all the customs, JR stuff and things needed at the airport. Allotted 3 hours for this as I am not sure how long it will actually take haha…
* Get to hotel around 5 or 6 pm.
* Go to the Shibuya Pokemon Center and then dinner (planning on Gyukatsu)
* On the way back to the hotel stop at a FamilyMart/7-11/Lawsons (Konbini yay) in order to pick up some milk, snacks and other things we might need (husband has to have milk in the mornings or he his stomach will do everything in its power to disable him from producing too much acid).

**October 1st:**

* Leave hotel at 7:30 and go to Chidorigafuchi and spend a little time there.
* Around 8 am go to Meiji Jingu (I want to get a gushiuncho and stamps and some shrines and temples).
* Around 10 go to Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden and enjoy some flowers.
* Around 11 Yasukuni Shrine.
* Around 12 Zojo-ji Temple.
* Lunch and Tokyo Tower.
* Leave around 2:30 and head towards Asakusa Station.
* Do some shopping/browsing on the streets leading up to Sensoji-Temple around 4.
* At 5 go to the Skytree Pokemon Center.
* Dinner!
* Go to the SkyTree after dinner and stay around until about 8 and head back towards the hotel doing a bit of browsing at some of the Tokyo Train Station shops if able.

**October 2nd:**

* Head out to Harajuku Station between 7-8.
* Visit the Togo Shrine.
* At 9:30 meet up with a tour guide and go on a Cute Tour! Ends around 1:30.
* Between 2 and 5 have a late lunch, explore around some of the shops (Iyoshi Colo, Eiswalt Gelato, Totti Candy, Musubi and Papier Labo! for example). Grab some early dinner if we are hungry.
* At 5:30 grab a train to Akihabara, first stop, Kotobukiya building. Husband wants some MonHun stuff, friends want Tales of items and I just want just about everything?
* Around 8 head back to Shibuya and visit Shibuya Sky Observation Deck in order to see a great view of the night city.
* Return to the prodigal hotel.

**October 3rd:**

* At 8 go and do one or two of the following: The National Art Museum, Hama Rikyu Gardens, East Garden of the Imperial Palace, Meijiro Gardens.
* Head to a Maid Cafe for lunch at 12.
* Poke into Animate for a little bit and see what is there before going to an Owl Cafe at 2 (a friend loves owls and she’d enjoy some pictures).
* At 4 we are doing the Yamato Food Sample Workshop
* Dinner at 5:30 and then the Pokemon Mega Store.
* Maybe visit the Sunshine Building and see what is there. Possible checkout of the rooftop Aquarium!
* Back to the hotel.

**October 4th:**

* Day trip out to Kanazawa, heading out earl early on a JR Bullet Train.
* Goal here is primarily just wander around, enjoy the views. Visit a Shrine is able.
* I will go to the Pokemon Center, husband will sample lots of Sushi at the markets!
* We will also do some other shopping, particularly interested in the Kanazawa Crafts Hirosaka.
* Head back to Tokyo and the hotel around 6 or 7.

**October 5th:**

* At 7-7:30 – go to the TOHO Building and see the BIIIG Godzilla head, snap some pics!
* Between 8-11:30 Ueno Park (eCute for stuff) and the Zoo.
* Lunch.
* 1:30-2 head over to teamlab Planets (slotted for 2 hours, unsure really how long this will take? Shorter?)
* 5 dinner.
* 5:30-6 the Ginza Aquarium Art Museum.
* 7 Pokemon Cafe (and the attached Pokemon Center). Only ordering drinks and a dessert. May stay for the little kids show but probably not. I mostly just want a couple pikachu plushes hah.
* If things run through more quickly and we find ourselves with more time…will go to the Tokyo Metropolitan Building Observation Deck.
* Otherwise back to the Hotel.

**October 6th:**

* Partial day trip to Chiba. Look around, do some shopping, maybe get one of the little e-bikes to tour about for a bit.
* Head to Tokyo Bay Pokemon Center after lunch at 12.
* Around 2 or so go to Cat’s Meow Books.
* Dinner and then back to the hotel to do some laundry in preparation for the next leg and get our luggage prepared to be shipped over to Kyoto.

**October 7th:** Going to Ghibli Museum on the way to Kyoto, just thought I’d end on that note.

Thoughts? Suggestions. I feel like I got things nicely set out but…

Thank you!!

  1. Most days seem very over crowded. Commuting around Tokyo during the morning and afternoon peak periods is also really unpleasant due to the crowding on the trains, so I’d suggest not starting your days until after 9 am.

  2. The scheduling doesn’t seem realistic. For example, on Oct 5, how do you intend to eat dinner at 5 and see a museum from 5:30-6pm?

    Keep in mind that commute times must include walking from station platforms, inevitably getting lost (even with Google Maps), and navigating stairways, etc. There may also be lines at the more touristy places and restaurants.

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