Dual Citizenship

My company has applied for a work visa for me. I answered that I was only a citizen of one country.

I have since found out that I am actually a dual citizen. When I was a child I apparently had a US passport but that has long since expired, and I’ve not travelled on a U.S. passport or had any interaction with the US as a citizen (because I didn’t know I was one).

Is this going to cause issues? Can and will Japan check my answers against some database which will flag me as a US Citizen?

If I had said I was a US citizen would Japan have asked me for a photocopy if they passport too? That would be problematic for me because I don’t have my childhood passport anymore and don’t have any recent U.S. passport. I also don’t have a social security number because I wasn’t given one at birth so getting a U.S. passport now would be problematic and I don’t want to get one just for a Japanese visa application anyway

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Dual Citizenship**

    My company has applied for a work visa for me. I answered that I was only a citizen of one country.

    I have since found out that I am actually a dual citizen. When I was a child I apparently had a US passport but that has long since expired, and I’ve not travelled on a U.S. passport or had any interaction with the US as a citizen (because I didn’t know I was one).

    Is this going to cause issues? Can and will Japan check my answers against some database which will flag me as a US Citizen?

    If I had said I was a US citizen would Japan have asked me for a photocopy if they passport too? That would be problematic for me because I don’t have my childhood passport anymore and don’t have any recent U.S. passport. I also don’t have a social security number because I wasn’t given one at birth so getting a U.S. passport now would be problematic and I don’t want to get one just for a Japanese visa application anyway

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  2. Japan really only cares about whether or not you’re Japanese.

    As long as neither of your citizenships are Japan then you’ll be fine.

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