Is AirBNB hosting even an option now?

Since the law change 5 years ago is it possible to become a gaijin AirBNB host in Japan now? I have a piece of land in Okinawa that I’m considering building on.

From conversations I had 5 years ago I seem to remember that one part of receiving the licence to operate a guest house became a psychological check, that Japanese hospitals wouldn’t perform on a foreigner, and so the approval process became dead in the water.

Was this right? Is it still the case? Is it possible to become an Airbnb host as a foreigner in Japan in 2023?

  1. I stayed at an Air BnB in Tokyo once where at least one of the owners was a Chinese national, but I think they were a married couple and one of them was Japanese. So I’m not sure, but I know (rich) foreigns can buy and own property so I imagine it’s gotta be possible to operate an Air BnB too right?

  2. Why would become a foreigner Airbnb host would be more difficult process than a japanese one? Now while you’re at it, if you plan to build on a piece of land you own why not open some sort of guest house? Also why is this post tagged with “medical”?

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