What is the best website to learn about slang?

Like 売りゃ—> 売れば

  1. I was going to say that I really like the fan wikis (atwiki, pixiv百科事典) for investigating memes and references and slang vocabulary – things you won’t find in a dictionary. But they’re higher-level resources, you should probably make using mainstream dictionaries (in Japanese) an earlier goal.

    売りゃ is just casual pronunciation. There isn’t really a best place because it’s everywhere: vloggers, vtubers, podcasts that aren’t too formal, almost any work of popular fiction and even most literary fiction. Unfortunately I’m not aware of a resource that systematically describes all these things. Tae Kim says [enough to get you started](http://www.guidetojapanese.org/casual.html) but to really master it, the best approach is to observe and guess and then observe more.

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