Renewing Spousal Visa documents

I was accepted to renew my spousal visa but in the online standard email sent to me, it said to submit my “certificate of designation” 指定書. I don’t have one or even know what that is.

It’s under the section for “Application for change of status of residence/application for extension of period of stay” so perhaps that only applies to the people changing their status?

Anyone else have to submit that? This is my first time renewing after 5 years, so I honestly can’t remember what the initial process was like and if I needed to submit something like that last time.

Thank you!

  1. 指定書 is an optional paper that comes with certain statuses of residence to specify additional details or restrictions about the status of residence.

    Generally this would be for people on the Designated Activities 特定活動 SOR (to specify what the designated activity is) or the HSP 高度専門職 SOR (to specify the employer).

    If you’re currently on a normal work visa you most likely don’t have one.

  2. My husband is a Japanese immigration officer who works in the visa renewal devision and he said he never heard of it lol. These guys have more info than him.

  3. I just got the same email. It looks like on the next line it explains that this doesn’t apply to you.

    > 4 申請人が現在所持している指定書
    > ・在留資格「高度専門職」、「特定技能」、「特定活動」の方で交付を受けている場合のみ、パスポートから外して送付してください。
    > (パスポートは絶対に郵送しないでください。)

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