canned coconut milk wanted

* i dont know if this is the right sub to post this to, but does anyone know where i can buy canned coconut milk? i tried with the life shop but nothing,….does anyone know if gyomu suppa have canned coconut milk?

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  2. Most supermarkets have coconut milk. Have you checked the can sections? It’s usually alongside the canned fruits.

    Or if not. Try your local donki, they usually have the international section. They’ll have it there

  3. Gyomu had a pretty good selection of coconut milk last time I went. Most of them are in paper cartons though.

  4. Even the tiny mybasket in my street has coconut milk… Try asking the clerks if you can’t find it.

  5. Gyomu supper in Hachijoji has canned coconut milk and Omgggg it is sooo creamy and heavenly.

  6. One regular supermarket near me carries it but it’s not with the canned fruit, it’s in the import foods section. I usually get it cheaper at Profoods, which is just in my region I think, so worth a try if you are in Kansai or Chugoku and have one handy.

  7. Asian markets definitely have them. If you go to south, south east asian restaurants (indonesian, indian, thai restaurants), there are some chances they have them in stock too.

  8. Kaldi has canned but stocks can be low at times. I believe carton packed is becoming more common now.
    I think the brand your thinking of also has some issues now with them using monkeys to harvest the coconuts.

  9. Try the curry section of your supermarket. All of them round me have coconut milk.

  10. I like how most comment said that any supermarket has it.

    None of my local supermarket (including Aeon) has it except Gyomu Super.

  11. My Doki has it in their small Brazilian section. Otherwise, you could try looking for a South American or Southeast Asian store near you.

  12. Most supermarkets have it but might be tucked away in some random corner. They also have these tiny box ones which I’ve come to appreciate as most my recipes don’t call for an entire can

  13. It’s around in places but sadly it always seems to be loaded with tons of sugar.

  14. In my area, it’s quite common in large supermarkets (Life, Maruetsu, Seiyu). If you want it for a good price, try an Asian supermarket.

    They should also have it in import shops like Kaldi.

  15. Donki usually will have them too at the asian section.

    Though most of the time I just go to Indonesian shop, they have santan kara which is carton packed coconut cream.

  16. My aeon always has it in the can. It’s sometimes in a specific section, like Vietnamese food or Thai food, and never with other milk / substitute products

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