Seoul or Okinawa for vacation?

So me, husband, and 2.5 year old toddler are all planning on going on a last hoorah trip before we move to the states for his work next year. We’re debating between Seoul, Korea, or Okinawa.
Husband is Japanese so benefits of Okinawa is obviously easier communication etc. but we both also want to get out of the country bc 海外 trips are always fun.
What would y’all choose? Or would y’all choose somewhere else? Any tips or suggestions? Thanks yall

  1. Depends on what you’re looking for.
    – Okinawa is for pristine beaches with little entertainment or tourists facilities.
    Also in some areas there’s a cap on the number of tourists allowed in order to protect protect the local ecosystem and residents’ way of life.
    – Seoul is the for the city life entertainment, similar to Tokyo.

    Both places are worth a visit but you have to choose what suits best for you,

  2. Personally I find big city areas boring so personally I’d choose Okinawa

  3. I went to both

    Seoul is a city that has things to do and you can even do the DMZ

    Okinawa is an island and it’s got the beach and WW2 historical sites

    I liked the karate show at Jump in Seoul, and I liked the history of Okinawa

    So really it’s a decision of the American touched culture of Okinawa or the completely foreign culture of Seoul

    You will not need Japanese in Okinawa because literally everyone spoke English, but in Seoul only 80% of the people spoke English

  4. Speaking only English, Okinawa was trivial.

    Can you drive? The best of Okinawa is really easy if you can drive, but a pain in the ass if you are waiting for irregular buses in the heat/rain.

    There is a famous aquarium there where you can feed dolphins and sea turtles.

    Okinawan food is perhaps my favorite in the world, and if you get sick of it there is American food round the corner though you won’t need it.

    Seoul is more nightlifey, not sure where I would take a toddler that they would find interesting though the palaces are good. If you like world war two history you can learn all the bits Japan didn’t tell you too.

  5. With a toddler I’d be tempted to go to Okinawa, veg out in the beach, have a paddle with the youngling. S/he’ll be happy making sand castles. Everyone chills. Vs trying to whizz round a big city and see the sites with the toddler screaming “this is boooooooring!!!”

  6. With a toddler, Okinawa without a doubt. Easy checkin at the airport in Haneda etc. and you’ll be out of Naha airport in 20 min max. Plenty of parks/beaches for the little one to run around without the risk of getting hit by a car so you can relax. Chatan, Yomitan, and Onna are all good options for resorts.

    Seoul IMHO is just like Shibuya with more Korean food. Wouldn’t want to take my kids there right now.

  7. I’ve not been to Seoul (thanks, corona!) but Okinawa was fantastic for beaches and such. I can’t wait to go back!

  8. Seoul is great for fun and adventure, while Okinawa is great for rest and relaxation. With a toddler, though, Busan might be better than Seoul.

  9. Not saying it’s the better option, but plenty to do in Seoul with a toddler. Mine weren’t big fans of the fish market though – the smell might have put them off fish for life. They enjoyed museums/parks/shrines/castles/Lotte World, and generally wandering around malls and stuff. Food and hotels are also cheap, so you can get a large 5 star hotel room for the price of something much smaller and less luxurious in Okinawa.

  10. If you’ve never been to Okinawa, go there. It’s amazing! It will be easier to fly to Seoul from the States than Okinawa in the future.

  11. Okinawa is leagues more fun. Just get a rental car and drive around the main island

  12. Your toddler would love the aquarium in Okinawa! Heck, I love it and try to go anytime I visit. There are a ton of fun parks and adventures there as well.

  13. I’d go Okinawa. Have had enough cold here I won’t go looking for it anywhere else.

  14. Did Seoul in 2019 in December with a toddler. Don’t recommend. It was awesome but hard

  15. An option to consider for Okinawa: Ishigaki-jima, which for the last few years now accepts direct flights from all of the major domestic airports (as opposed to the previous system where a Naha connection was required).

    Beautiful, uncrowded beaches, plenty of small nearby islands for day trips (Taketomi, Iriomote, etc…) and it is super driveable.

    One of the neat things is that the island is ringed by a single road and you can do the whole drive (stops for roadside snacks and photos included) in about 4 hours. Beautiful ocean scenery to your left, neat tropical mountain scenery to the right.

  16. Okinawa by far. Clean air for your child for one thing. No crazy traffic to watch out for. Much less noisy. Your toddler will love the aquarium.

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