Mode Gakuen?

Hello!! So as a teenager I was really interested in studying fashion at Bunka but while I’ve been saving up and studying Japanese I’ve unfortunately heard a lot of negatives about it. I’m still considering it but while looking up alternatives I also found Mode Gakuen, from their own website it seems like a well-established school buttt most of the English sources are just things about the cocoon tower… I was just wondering if anyone on this sub has any personal experience with the school, or maybe any good sources about it (in Eng or JP)? I’d also welcome advice about any other alternative fashion schools people know about but that might be asking for too much. But thank you to anyone who can help!!

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    **Mode Gakuen?**

    Hello!! So as a teenager I was really interested in studying fashion at Bunka but while I’ve been saving up and studying Japanese I’ve unfortunately heard a lot of negatives about it. I’m still considering it but while looking up alternatives I also found Mode Gakuen, from their own website it seems like a well-established school buttt most of the English sources are just things about the cocoon tower… I was just wondering if anyone on this sub has any personal experience with the school, or maybe any good sources about it (in Eng or JP)? I’d also welcome advice about any other alternative fashion schools people know about but that might be asking for too much. But thank you to anyone who can help!!

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  2. I honestly suggest reaching out to influencers / people who post videos on yt or pics on instagram and messaging them on instagram to ask their opinions on things. They may or may not answer but I think you’re more likely to get a helpful answer from current/slightly previous students. Fashion students that first come to mind would be Naomi Meow or Tsuruko? They are probably very busy but if you’re kind and message enough people surely someone might be of help. 🙂 also Mikan has videos about her studies at bunka if you haven’t seen those yet either.

    Remember your Japanese level will need to be very strong with most doing language school first. And when in fashion school you will be working extremely hard. Make sure you’re prepared 🙂

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