Kyoto Cityscape

Kyoto Cityscape

1 comment
  1. This shot was taken last evening at Yamashina Canal (山科疎水) in Kyoto. I got the idea for this shot when I checked out this area a week ago, but the sky was too hazy and the conditions weren’t right to make a great photo. Two days ago we had some rain which cleared up the pollen and dust from the sky, so I decided to head out yesterday evening and give this another go.

    Between sunset and blue hour I kept my tripod in the exact same spot, snapping photos from the same location as the light and atmosphere changed. This photo combines two shots, one taken at sunset, and one taken at blue hour. The sunset photo was taken at 6:01 pm, shot at 1/1000 of a second. There were no trains in this shot. The blue hour photo was taken at 7:03pm, with a 30 second exposure time to capture the movement of the train and gather enough light for proper exposure. This final shot you see above is a selective blend of the two, using a soft brush to reveal the best attributes of each layer.

    Gear: Nikon Z6, 24-70mm f/4 lens, cheap amazon basics tripod.

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