Has anyone heard of a school called ‘noborders International? It’s private and can’t find much information about it online. They are located in Aichi.

Has anyone heard of a school called ‘noborders International? It’s private and can’t find much information about it online. They are located in Aichi.

  1. One of my best friends works there. He says overall it’s a reasonably good work environment. He’s had some problems with upper management regarding them keeping their promises of pay increases over the years though. They will wait to make any annoucements regarding raises and school transfers until well into March, so by the time employees are hearing it they don’t have time to look for a new job if they’re not satisfied. Kinda scummy. But my friend enjoys his students and his school so he lives with it.

  2. My boss has her grandchildren go to the one in Okazaki. She’s generally ok with what they do but has voiced some concern over their management and seeing as she prefers British pronunciation she dislikes the Americanization of her grandkids pronunciation. Seems like an ok company, depending on how you like to teach. Personally I prefer the Eikawa style of things but maybe that’s me. I don’t need to be looking after a class of 30 kids and trying to teach them all at once. Fuck that. 6 is my max.😅

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