Portable devices with text-hooker support for VNs / Manga etc?

Hey everyone, as per title I am looking for a portable device that will allow me to run Visual Novels or read Manga with texthooker support. Right now I use a Macbook Air which is great for mining with Manga, leveraging Mokuro to add selectable text and then Yomichan to translate/add to Anki. But of course MBAirs don’t have support for most of the windows-based VNs and its corresponding text-hooker flow, and I also take a lot of short-haul flights for work and can’t use laptops during takeoff/landing which is like half the flight. However tablets are allowed for some reason. It’s also kind of annoying to use a laptop in the subway which I take daily when I’m not traveling.

I was thinking maybe one of the Microsoft Surface devices that run regular Windows. Not looking for anything powerful since I’d pretty much be using it for these purposes. Any recommendations?

1 comment
  1. I *think* there are some tablets which run windows and convert into laptops, but IDK any specific models since I’m not in the market for this

    but given you are sitting there in an airplane half the time, it might be worth it to look into that

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