Reading Manga with Hiragana

Hi all,

Long time lurker first time poster here.
Any recommendations on where to read mangas that provide the hiragana break down of the kanji above it ? (if such plateform even exist)

That would be such a great way to learn new kanjis. Thanks a lot !

  1. Hi! I just started this magnificent journey and so far the manga that I have picked up have a set of mini hiragana next to each Kanji, so if you know it, it’s easy to ignore, and if you dont, well now you do (sort of). Also, try out leveled readers. They’re short picture books that you can read without worrying about Kanji or vocab so much.

  2. It is called Furigana and it is going to be basically on any Shonen Jump or kids-focused manga.

    I purchase sets on ebay because its cheaper than buying from Amazon and I do not need to worry about credit card/VPN type issues. Usually run about $2-3 a book which is great for completed series.

  3. You can use [mokuro]( on any manga you have in digital form to turn the text into selectable text and read it in a PDF reader of your choice. You can then combine this with the [Yomichan]( browser extension and [dictionaries of your choice]( to allow you to instantly look up any unknown word you encounter when reading manga, with a single button press.

    (Do note that Yomichan has been sunset and may stop working in the future, though a few forks to potentially keep the project going are being worked on.)

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