Summer camps that don’t involve 8 hours of arts and crafts

I’m starting to think of something for my son for the earlier part of of summer vacation (approx. 20 July through 10 August).

My son will be 9, and he’s physically active. He also hates arts and crafts. Tends to get along with all types and both boys and girls.

We usually spend the latter half of his summer vacation in the US. For the first half we have done a few years of “camp” which is actually not camp at all. Basically things like Kid’s Duo which involves a lot of games and crafts -all indoors. I think we tried Meiko Kids one year which was the same but in Japanese (he’s totally bilingual so language doesn’t really matter).

Any suggestions that might be more interesting than being in a room all day down the street from us doing games and crafts?

  1. What is your budget? I know of one I can speak very highly of but it’s on the pricer side.

  2. What’s the budget? Googling “English adventure summer camp immersion” should get you something with kayaking, bouldering, etc.. for about 10man.

  3. >being in a room all day down the street from us doing games and crafts

    I feel this one in my *bones.* Watching my kid own grow up with all this boring shit makes me feel sad for him. Watching this thread closely

  4. Kurabuchi English Village in Gunma Prefecture has short stay programs in the summer. It’s aimed to teach city kids how to live in nature as well as learn some English, and staffed with both native Japanese and native English speaking staff.

    I haven’t ever been there or used their services, but it seems like the kids get to do gardening and other kinds of outdoor activities that might be a good fit for your son: [くらぶち英語村|小学生と中学生が自然の中で国内留学できる山村留学施設|群馬県高崎市倉渕町 (](

  5. I worked for English adventure which is in the mountains in Niigata. I think they have busses from the bigger cities.

    They also do activities like hiking, bouldering, swimming, almost entirely outside.

    Working there was fun and the kids all loved it too

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