Inexpensive working places

Hey guys, what are the most inexpensive workspace options for someone like me who needs to take meetings all day for work? I don’t need my camera on.

I’m looking for a place where I could take calls (for work). I’ve considered co-working spots, cafes, and karaoke bars. Wondering if anyone had any other suggestions that I might have missed that I could look into.

  1. Wework operates in Tokyo, so you can probably check them out.

    There is also the 24hr DVD places, you’ll get a bunk and hand lotion thrown in as well.

  2. I like cafes the best for working. As far as coworking spaces go, you can’t really beat the price of “one coffee”. You just have to go around checking out the ones local to your area until you find one that has just the right layout and noise level for you to take meetings.

  3. Gusto. Get drinks bar. Cheap and usually quiet in the mornings and post lunch time – 2-4. Often see a few people working. Edit: Just remembered they tend to play 90s power ballads sadly, so might not be best for calls. 😂

  4. During normal office hours, Karaoke room might be the cheapest option, and you can probably add little more to get a drink bar option

  5. Is the reason you can’t work at home because your work requires you to move around?

    Basically, are you constantly in a super urban area rather than a suburban area?

    If that’s the case, you can probably do various hotel lobbies and their cafes. They’re usually not busy and a person taking calls would not be out of place there.

    Find a good list to rotate between them so you don’t end up a regular and arouse suspicions from the staff. They’d recognize you if you went to the same place more than once a month honestly. Especially if you’re visually a foreigner. However, if you use a hotel lobby cafe I’m sure you could go basically every day without the staff caring at all.

  6. If you have a Coin Space near you, I highly recommend. If you buy a 5 day pack, it turns out to be 1,000 yen for a whole day. Good Wi-Fi, but my Coin Space doesn’t have a bathroom so I have to go somewhere nearby. There is a web conference section of the floor where it’s perfectly okay for you to take calls at a normal talking volume. If you need it every day, you can get a monthly membership for 10,000 yen.

    I sound like I own the place, I do not. I’m just an avid and delighted customer.

  7. > Hey guys, what are the most inexpensive workspace options for someone like me who needs to take meetings all day for work?

    Home. Use if background noise is an issue.

  8. If you understand Japanese, I recommend an app called “Space Market.” You can rent spaces (anything from apartments to mini meeting rooms, to work books) and sort it according to area, needed hours, and expense. There are quite a few cheap options available!

    Edit: Just remembered another app called “Time Sharing!” Similar concept, but if I recall, even more work focused.

  9. I would target local.coworling spaces rather than chain ones. Local ones are way more cheaper. There is one in Akihabara, I forget the name, it was about 3maan yen a month with 24 hour access, full drink bar, and access to a gym they have(small.but got the job done). So just depends on where u live or how far u are willing to travel

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