Where to buy a child’s suica pass?

According to the JR website, any midori madoguchi station will sell them as long as you bring the requisite ID for your child. But when I took my older child to get one at my closest midori madoguchi station a few years ago (a pretty big station in Tokyo), we were told they didn’t sell them there and we had to go to a more central station in the city. It’s now my younger child’s turn, and I’d like to know if there’s a list of stations, or if anyone has any solid info on which stations do or don’t sell them. Cheers.

  1. This seems like a post about shopping, maybe your question is solved by [the wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/wiki/shopping)?

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  2. They should be available at any proper midori no madoguchi as long as you bring ID.

    (Child PASMOs are also generally available at commuter pass counters.)

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