Japan Concert Ticket Proxy

Short context: need to go through a proxy (I used Tickets Galore Japan) to buy tickets to a concert in Japan.

Seems a little useless to be worrying about it now since I already went through the proxy and they have already went through with the lottery application for tickets (results will only come out on the 15th), but does anyone have experience with this proxy (e-tickets, especially)? Since identity checks seem to be huge in Japanese events and concerts so I’m a bit worried that I might not be able to enter the venue if I get my tickets from them.

Would definitely appreciate if anyone could share similar experiences or advice if they were in such situations too. :”)

  1. I’ve been to several concerts in Japan, both big and small, and never had my name checked.

  2. Could I ask what concert? You should check out the event website, they will usually have all the details listed out regarding the e-ticket. I’m guessing you’re using the service since you don’t have a JP phone number to create an account with any of the major ticketing services. Though from personal experience a lot of the e-tickets are linked through the phone number/account, so curious how you’d get the ticket.

    Though if getting the actual ticket on your device is not an issue, the only time to worry is they use face reg, but otherwise you should be fine.

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