Exchanging creased dollar bills

I have bills left over from my trip to the US and would like to exchange them, but some of them have creases and no other further damage. I have not tried going to the money changer yet because from past experiences abroad they usually don’t accept money that is even slightly creased.

How can I exchange the bills for either clean ones or Yen?

  1. > I have not tried going to the money changer yet because from past experiences abroad they usually don’t accept money that is even slightly creased.

    Really? Unless the bills are in pretty bad shape I don’t think I’ve ever had an issue with any money exchange.

    Depends where you live, but assuming Tokyo, taking it to the (i.e.) Access Ticket in Shinjuku should get you a reasonable rate with good service.

  2. I’ve never had an issue like this in my life. I feel like you just got unlucky and happened upon the most anal teller in the world. Maybe you can just keep trying different exchange places until you find one that isn’t insane. Aren’t MOST dollars creased? They’re dirty pieces of garbage that change hands hundreds of times a year.

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