Getting a bike to cruise around Tokyo

I live in the middle of tokyo, whatever that means. And i dont really need a bike, but i feel itd be nice to cruise around just for fun. So im thinking of getting a bike. Question is what kind of bike. I dont mean a bicycle, i also dont mean a motorcycle. But im considering anything in between so to say, but im not really sure what that is nowadays. Whats **available, whats legal, and whats practical**, given my situation, which is the following:

* i have a regular drivers license for cars.
* im not keen on getting a motorcycle license or any other type of license.
* i live in a manshion, so i suppose my only way of charging a batter would be to bring it home and plug it into the wall socket
* Any kind that does not require a specific parking lot, but could be parked as if a bike.
* petrol could also be an option to consider
* generally, bigger and faster is preferable, and itd be nice if it had some nice cool design and not just look like a lame granmas bike with a battery on it

What are even the different categories of bikes available, 原付、some kind of electric scooter? What are the classifications available and what are they called in japanese? Im not sure what to search for or where to look. Also please advice me in what type i should or should not get for practical purposes, their pros, cons and differences.

Also if you have specific recommendations of brands, or shops in Tokyo where to look, that would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  1. > I dont mean a bicycle, i also dont mean a motorcycle. But im considering anything in between

    Maybe something like an [electric kickboard]( ?
    Generally speaking, in Japan if you want “bigger and faster” you’re going to need a motorcycle license.

  2. > I dont mean a bicycle, i also dont mean a motorcycle. But im considering anything in between so to say,

    I’m not sure what that leaves other than electric wheelchairs. (Gentsuki are a type of motorcycle/scooter)

    If you don’t have a motorcycle license then basically you are limited to electric powered bicycles (which can have pretty good range and speed) or gentsuki scooters (which are limited in engine power to 50cc or less, and only legally allowed to travel up to 30km/h).

  3. Lately I’ve been seeing more people riding [fully electric bicycles]( They kinda look like regular electric-assist bicycles but you don’t have to pedal. People have been riding them on sidewalks and what not like regular bicycles.

  4. You are in Japan. Everybody is using an electric mamachari. Easy to park (has a stand, and fits in a bicycle stand.) Easy to shop with (can have two baskets.) Easy to charge (take battery up to your mansion.) Sturdy and easy to sell.

  5. I’m not sure what you really want. If you just want to ride around and that’s it, and the area where you live is mostly flat ground, it would probably be best, and cheapest, to just get a regular, non electric bicycle. There’s really no need for electric if you’re not going up slopes, and not carrying a bunch of groceries or a child with it. (Plenty of people actually do use non electric assist bicycles even for carrying kids on if they live in a flat area and aren’t using it for groceries or long distance travel, so it should be plenty useful for a single rider)

    If you want to be able to comfortably carry a lot of groceries or other items around, have a lot of slopes, or even one or two significant slopes in your area, or plan to use it for longer distances regularly or something then an electric assist bicycle is good for that. I think anything else would either be impossible without a license or just unnecessary not versatile, and too expensive for what you want it for. The electric kick boards for example are more expensive than an electric assist bicycle and can’t be parked in bicycle parking, aren’t as useful imo, etc (and currently need a license)

  6. 50cc gentsukis (scooters) are legal with a driver’s license. 300-500yen gets you something like 200+km and a used Honda Today @ 20,000 km can be only 60,000 yen and 7,000 yen to insure for a year.

    Easy as hell, super convenient. I’m currently testing for a motorcycle, and I ditched my car for an entire year to save money. Rain, snow, shine, it’s ran every commuting day since 4/1/2022

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