Japanese document revision

I created a Japanese document to study, but I am not sure if everything on this document is correct.

I am an English speaker learning Japanese, and if anyone could skim over it, I would appreciate it!

Link to document here


  1. At a glance it seems correct, but I don’t see the point. Why not just get a structured book with a proven track record like Genki or Minna no Nihongo?

  2. the sentence translation that says a-tsu is not right. it’s a small tsu and in this case means that the あ sound ends abruptly, you wouldn’t say the つ part

  3. The pitch accent is different for flower and nose. It is very subtle, especially for us westerners, but the difference does exist. I wish this what thought early on, you don’t have to know this but it makes the difference between sounding like a native and a foreigner. I don’t think I will ever master it.

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