N4 or N5

As we all know the JLPT is going to be on July. Im thinking of taking it but Im not sure on which one. On the mock test of n5 online I score 150/180. But Im still thinking whether to go for n4 instead since I have 3 more months to study. Though, the problem is that I am a student and I got to school for 10 hours a day for 4 days. Is it enough time? Which should I take?(This is only to prepare myself for further levels and for my own satisfaction lol Id still want to pass tho,,)

  1. Expect to get 20 points lower on the real test.

    You might do better to stick with N5 now (especially if it’s your first JLPT), and then see how it goes. You can probably try for N3 next year.

  2. Might as well try for the N4 if you have that high a score on the practice N5 imo. The jump between them is not that high and you said it was solely for personal satisfaction. Even if you fail N4, the results will be a clearer indication of what you need to work on than a comfortably passing score on the N5 will be.

  3. How much time are you spending studying Japanese? That more than anything would determine whether N5->N4 in that amount of time is possible.

    If you really want to pass and have the dollarydoos to spare, then I’d probably just say N5 and try a higher level in December.

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