Credit card vs. cash in day-to-day life

I’ve searched and seen a lot of topics surrounding which foreign credit cards are widely accepted in Japan, but I’m wondering if people can provide perspective on what recurring expenses in your monthly budget accept credit cards vs. cash. I’m working on a finances spreadsheet and trying to determine what I absolutely need cash for vs. what I can throw on a credit card in case of emergency, and how much of my credit I should actually consider as “available” to me based on if I can actually realistically use it. I’ll be in Tokyo. Thanks!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Credit card vs. cash in day-to-day life**

    I’ve searched and seen a lot of topics surrounding which foreign credit cards are widely accepted in Japan, but I’m wondering if people can provide perspective on what recurring expenses in your monthly budget accept credit cards vs. cash. I’m working on a finances spreadsheet and trying to determine what I absolutely need cash for vs. what I can throw on a credit card in case of emergency, and how much of my credit I should actually consider as “available” to me based on if I can actually realistically use it. I’ll be in Tokyo. Thanks!

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  2. I guess you consider money in your bank account to be cash as well? In that case I use cash for the following.

    – Rental (some places might accept credit as well).
    – Transportation via Suica card (commuter pass can be bought with credit).

    And I use credit for following.

    – Electricity, gas, water
    – Phone, internet
    – Grocery
    – Gym and stuff

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