Day trips from Kyoto?

Hi everyone, I’m leaving for Japan with my parents (70s) in two days and am still trying to figure out our options for a day trip from Kyoto. I do have an itinerary for Osaka, but I’d like to give my parents one or two other options. They’re good walkers, but we’ll avoid mountainous hikes and we’ll probably walk 5-6 miles per day. We don’t speak Japanese, but I know a few key travel phrases and I have always relied on the kindness of strangers (and the power of Google translate). They aren’t interested in onsens. With those guidelines in mind, where would you recommend we go?

Also, if you’ve been to Kurashiki would you recommend it? How long did you spend there?

  1. We did a day trip to Nara and Fushimi Inari on the same day. Either by itself would be a low stress day or combining the two for a full day. Fushimi Inari would be the easier walk of the two with the hike up the mountain calibrated to only going as far as you feel up to. This was one of my trip highlights. Nara was a very nice town with feeding the deer and an impressive Buddha at Todai-ji.

  2. Why not go to the popular tourist spots like Yasaka Shrine, stop at a cafe for green tea parfait and do some souvenir shopping?

    Kurashiki is a good place to stop by on your way to Hiroshima or Kyushu area.

  3. Uji!

    There are not too many steps and it is lovely. I’ve not been, but was just looking at Omi Hachiman as a possible visit on my next trip to Kyoto


    Okayama has a lovely garden. My tween’s favorite garden is Ritsurin, and yes we did it as a day trip from Kyoto.

  4. Hikone castle could be nice. Or Hieizan up from Kyoto side then down to Sakamoto/Biwako side. The cable cars are fun. The temple complex up top is neat and cooler. Lake views on the way down. Sakamoto has a nice vibe among the fancy old monk’s houses. And it’s an easy jaunt back to Kyoto by train.

  5. I myself am planning a daytrip to Amanohashidate from Kyoto! Tho it is about 2-3 hours away from Kyoto and there are limited direct trains to the place. You can choose to walk more or take a boat ride, and there are cable car options to parks in the area too 🙂

  6. It’s too far up but I would say amanohashidate is a great place to be. Good food and view, great weather as well. Kudos to you for being a good child to your parents.

  7. Just got back from Japan last week. Did a day trip to Hiroshima and it was extremely pleasant.

    We were not in a rush and just leisurely walked from the station to Shukkeien Garden to Hiroshima Castle to Peace Park/Dome. We also stopped on the way for a festival that was happening in the park.

    After all that we shopped for awhile and then got some okonomiyaki. I think we left around 8:30AM and were on our way back by 5:30.

  8. Nara is a great option as it’s nearby and easy to walk.

    Would also highly recommend Himeiji as there are direct trains fairly often and very easy to walk. The castle is one of the most beautiful in Japan and it’s a straight walk from the train station, about 15/20 from memory. The garden next to it is also lovely.

  9. I’ve been to Kurashiki and Okayama and I definitely recommend it! You can do those in one day.

    Places of interest in Okayama are Okayama Castle and Korakuen Garden. In Kurashiki, you can take a stroll in the Bikan Historical District, which has many craft shops. You can also visit the Ohara Museum if you are into art.

  10. You have to go to Nara, it’s quick and definitely worth a visit.
    Other options are Himeji and it’s beautiful castle (don’t miss the garden next to it! I’ve lost the name but it’s very nice EDIT : Koko-en garden), and a day trip to Osaka. Osaka needs more than a day, but depending on what you want to see, a day may be enough. If with kids, don’t miss the Osaka aquarium, it was the highlight of our holidays for my eldest, and now that he knows that we’ll go back to Japan this summer, he wants to go see it again!

  11. just got back yesterday!! Uji ended up being the perfect and most relaxing day trip- only took about 30 minutes to get there door to door. It was a gorgeous day but everything was pretty empty of tourists except at the main spots and a few shops/restaurants. We had tea at the municipal tea house for 1000 yen each, and just wandered across the bridges, to see different museums and shrines. Ended up buying lots of tea (a big hobby of my partner and mine), and loved the Byodin Temple and museum. Also, strayed just one street over from the main street to have some of the best katsu curry at this mom and pop shop. One of my fav days of my whole two week trip.

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