AI text generation is here and it’s coherent. Teachers get ready…

AI text generation is here and it’s coherent. Teachers get ready…

  1. “This could lead to mass layoffs of teachers, leaving many students without access to quality education.”

    AI : I can teach kids anything, spy on them and manipulate their emotions.

    Also AI : I’m going to do a shitty job lol.

  2. Get ready for what. It’s japan, They still use fax machines, hankos, and squat toilets. They won’t bother trying to change their English language “education”, it hasn’t in 50 years so there’s nothing to “get ready” for.

  3. Thanks for bringing this important topic up! I just created an account and tried it out. As soon as my university students figure this site out, all of my writing assignments will essentially become useless.

  4. That sounds one of those terrible cookie-cutter ‘essays’ EIKEN practice books teach people to write. I guess a student could hand it in if they were happy with a C.

  5. Oh, I’m more than ready. I teach kindergarten. You know how lots of people call us “glorified babysitters?”

    Well, AI can’t replace a babysitter.

  6. teaching is a uniquely human thing. society will no longer function properly if we don’t learn from and with one another… (i’m a teacher).

  7. If we can replace teachers with robots that teach better than humans, that’s a win for society. However, I highly doubt robots will be able to teach with quality for a good long while. And one of the most important parts of teaching, good feedback, isn’t really something a robot can do. Wouldn’t worry too much about it.

    Though back to that first point, I know I’m preaching to whatever the opposite of a choir is, but being able to teach anytime, anywhere more efficiently and without the teacher needing breaks or making human errors would greatly increase the efficiency of education. Being able to do my language lessons online works so much better with my schedule than any school with a human teacher ever could. Being able to work at my own pace also does wonders for me.

    Aaaand, I’m probably gonna get banned for saying this…


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