13 Days Shikoku itinerary (need advise!)

Hi All! I’m a solo traveller and it will be my first time to travel around Shikoku. Would love to hear your opinions on my itinerary and inputs especially Mount Tsurugi, DAY 7 and DAY 8. I’ll be flying to Fukouka and land around 8am.

Fukouka → Omonichi City

– Spend time around omonichi city
– Senkoji Park Observatory
– Onomichi Shopping Arcade
– Overnight

Cycle from Omonichi City → Mukashima Island → Ikuchi Island → Omishima Island

– Overnight at Omishima Island

Omishishima Island → Imabari → Matsuyama

– Spend time around Matsuyama Shopping street or around Dogo Onsen Station
– Overnight

Matsuyama → Kochi West

– Spend time around Matsuyama Castle
– Rent a car and drive to Kochi West in the afternoon
– Overnight at hotel near Shikoku Karst for stargazing

Kochi West

– Tengu Highlands
– Shikoku Karst
– Chill in Hotel
– “Just me time”

Kochi West → Kochi City

– Drive to Kochi City and drop off car
– Spend time in Kochi City e.g. Hirome Market
– Overnight in Kochi City

Kochi City → Nakatsu Gorge

– Take bus to nakatsu Gorge
– Tea Cafe Asunaro
– Not sure what else to do?
– Go back to Kochi City hotel

Kochi City → Not sure what to do?

Was planning to spend time in Shimanto but the traveling time is long and Im just afraid it will be tiring for me. Should I cut short Kochi to three days two nights? I wouldnt want to drive around Shimanto.


Kochi City → Tokushima
– Ryugado Cave (maybe)
– Mount Godai
– Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden
– Check out and public transport to Tokushima

DAY 10

– Mount Tsurugi

DAY 11

– Mount Tsurugi

Day 12
– Travel to Osaka
– Own time own target as I have been to Osaka before

Day 13
– Fly back

  1. I’m confused as to why you’re going to tokushima, then back to tsurugi and then back to Osaka?
    Also why 2 days at tsurugi? There isn’t much to do at the mountain and the hike doesn’t take long.

    Also I would keep the car an extra day and do some more exploring in the middle of the island. Like go to yasui valley, see the vine bridges or oboke gorge etc.

  2. Day 6 and Day 7 doesn’t make sense to me. Shikoku Karst and Nakatsu Gorge are very close to each other if you drive. Why don’t spent Day 7 at Nakatsu George, and drive to Kochi in the evening?

  3. Having spent a lot of time in shikoku, I would say that your itinerary needs a lot of revision and rethinking about what you want to do. It’s too much to give advice for… Sorry

  4. I lived in Kochi for a few years and it’s certainly worth a visit. The city is a little small though, but Hirome and the castle are good spots. There’s a nice market on weekend mornings as well.

    I used to live in east Kochi which doesn’t get as much love, but it is a lot quicker to get to and maybe more unique/rural. You can drive to Cape Muroto in 2 hours and there’s a geological park and a big statue of yer man who made katakana. You could go up to Umaji which is probably the biggest yuzu town on Shikoku… beautiful river to drive up beside. Aki City has a few tourist sites including the home of the man who made Mitsubishi. There’s a good few sake breweries as well. The drive from Nahari down to Muroto is one of the best. There’s a recreated Monet museum as well… it’s interesting.

    There is a lot of natural scenery whether waterfalls, rivers, or beaches.

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