Dependent visa (job in home country affects application?)

UPDATE: Thanks to the people who shared their thoughts below. I called immigration and they confirmed that employment status in the home country is irrelevant. My wife also has received her visa.

Hi All! Hope you’re all doing well. I couldn’t find any information about this anywhere, so I hope people could help me or give insights. I am already in Japan and I have permanent employment (not yet residency). I have successfully obtained a dependent COE for my wife and she has submitted her application for dependent visa last week.

My wife is still currently employed as a government employee in our home country; she will quit her job soon to join me here. My question is this: do you think her current employment situation might affect her dependent visa application? Our understanding is that she will only become financially dependent on me upon arriving in Japan, so we thought that her current employment (which she will quit), has no bearing on her application. From what I can gather, immigration authorities only consider whether the employed spouse in Japan has sufficient resources to support the dependent.

I got a little worried because her application is still pending despite them telling us that it should take only a week. We were informed, though, that they do background checks.

What do you guys think? Thanks in advance!

  1. This appears to be a post about securing a visa to legally live or work in Japan. Please consult our [visa wiki]( for more information. (This is an automated message from the friendly subreddit robot – don’t worry, humans can also still reply to your post! However, if your post covers a topic already answered in the wiki or in previous threads, it will probably be locked by a moderator.)

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  2. Her current employment doesn’t matter at all. She could be keeping her job and working remotely and it still wouldn’t matter.

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