(Urgent): Need a black suit before tomorrow

Edit: Found! (Zara). Thank you very much everyone!


So maybe it’s too much requests in one, but here I am:

– I need a black suit that will suit for a 49th day ceremony tomorrow morning.

– Ideally a little more stylish than a typical salary man black suit: If I could spend that money not only for hopefully rare situations, I would appreciate.

I know I won’t have a Saint-Laurent suit for a budget, but, I hope I can find something ok.

(I’m usually quite into fashion.)

– That wouldn’t ruin me, whatever it means cause I don’t know the prices. Can you find something decent for 2万、or will it be the most basic one you can get? I guess I can go up to 3万。

– That I can buy today from around 19:30, or maybe I can cancel my previous appointment and be there top early 6:00, being busy before that.

– Ideally roughly in the Shibuya / Meguro / Nakameguro / Daikanyama / Harajuku etc area.

All I know is The Suit Company in Shibuya where I’ve been several years ago, and I don’t very much remember how it was.

If it’s the best I can get without spending 5万then I’ll go there, but otherwise I’m happy to hear your ideas.

Thank you very much in advance!

  1. 20k yen will get you something pretty basic at places like スーツのAOKI, yeah. You’ll get some extra fitting, but don’t expect anything too fashionable. (judging from my limited experience) You’ll have to go to one that’s open until 20:30 or later though, because only half an hour for a suit sounds rushed to me.

  2. Depends on your body type. If regular Japanese sizes tend to fit you, just go to Uniqlo.

  3. Try Zara! pretty good for that price range too
    If possible, go to the ginza one or shinjuku, they usually have more formal options

  4. Chain department stores might be your best bet: Aeon, etc. Given the urgency and your budget, negates anywhere decent. But to be honest, I got my funeral suit at an Aeon and it is perfectly functional. I needed it suddenly (as is often the case) and they did the basic tailoring right away. And it is a good thing that I’m not paranoid about keeping it nice at the funerals and subsequent memorial services that follow, as my relatives are mostly in inaka and there are long days, lots of sitting on tatami and too much drinking involved every time.

  5. 3-man will be lucky to get a wool suit, I think, which is what will be an improvement over a polyester salaryman. But that’s about Suit Company, Suit Select prices. Not sure if they’ll have many black ones though. I often see black suits in Aeon – but for some reason Aeon is expensive, and I’m not sure an Aeon suit would hit the “stylish” criterion, but worth a look maybe.

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