Hailing a taxi. What sentences are suitable?


Im sure the third one is definitely wrong , but just for the benefit of the doubt i’ve put it there.
Also, suppose that I want to use まで for this context what would the sentence be like?

  1. We say  Xまで おねがいします。

    I can see some people saying Xへおねがいします or Xにおねがいします and taxi drivers would know what you mean because it’s grammatically correct, but Xまで おねがいします is the phrase we use.

    Xに連れて行ってください is just like saying “Would you take me to X?” to a taxi driver. It’s grammatically correct, but we don’t usually say it to taxi drivers.

  2. The way I’ve heard it explained is you use まで because it implies a definitive end to the shared trip upon reaching the destination as is the nature of the business transaction. Using に or へ has more of a subtext to it like you’re going to X together and will both get out and continue on from there. Obviously no cab or uber driver would misinterpret it that way but it’s just one of those funny grammatical intricacies a native speaker might smile at upon hearing. But まで is like “you’re taking me as far as X and then I’m continuing on my own” which is what you actually want to ask for.

    And then on the flipside if you’re going to X with a friend or date don’t use まで because it’ll sound like you’re planning on ditching them there lol

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