Train station conversation. (I need help on this)

I need help to form these sentences in japanese. Ive tried to do them myself:

1. Is this train going to \[X\] / Is this train line going to \[X\]この電車は「X」**へ・に**行きますか? / この電車線は「X」**へ・に**行きますかFor this sentence, my doubts are on the へ・に. Also, how else would you say “Train line” in japanese. Is 列車線 a such word? Im guessing not, since the kanji doesnt come up on keyboard.
2. I cannot exit the ticket gate / I cannot pass through the ticket gate改札口**で**出られない / 改札口**を**通過できない /  改札口**を**通り過ぎれない
3. The ticket vending machine is not working / The ticket machine is not giving me my ticket.券売件は壊れている / 券売件は切符が出せないI think 壊れている is incorrect in this context, because im trying to indicate that its simply not working. Translator engines suggest 動かない but im not sure. So in general, what would be suitable to say that any machine is “not working”
4. I am waiting at the platform of 「X」train line「X」乗り場で待っている
5. Where to buy a (train) ticket? \*\* Train is contextually impliedどこ**かで**切符が買えますか?

1 comment
  1. 1. First one is good you can use に or へ. I think you are looking for 路線 for train line.
    2. 改札を通れない
    3. I think it depends what the problem is but you probably wouldn’t say 壊れている unless it was physically broken or it was basically inoperable. 券売機が故障している would mean that the machine is malfunctioning.
    4. X番線・Xホーム・X乗り場 all mean the same thing but you’ll usually hear 番線.
    5. You do not need the か after どこ. どこか means somewhere どこ means where. The textbook example of this sentence is 切符はどこで買えますか.

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