I need a penpal to practise

I have been learning Japanese for 2 years now, but I’m not making any progress, because I don’t have anyone to practice it with. I’m at lesson 17 of Minna no Nihongo. Does anyone feel like having a chat in Japanese with me sometimes?

  1. Been living in Japan for 4 years and am fluent in Japanese.

    The only thing textbooks do for you is give you basics and understanding of the language. To practice speaking, I suggest memorizing short sentences and phrases and saying them out loud, like memorizing a poem (this is how you learnt your native language btw) 🙂

    I suggest using speaks_jp on instagram for conversation practice and if you need a language partner, there’s an app called Langmate that connects you to Japanese people. Good luck and don’t overuse the textbook 🙂 Focus on listening and speaking:)

  2. You could try looking for a penpal on the Slowly app for a more letter like experience, or Hello Talk/Tandem for a chat-like experience

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