What’s the function of “no” and “ga” in “私は絵を見るのが好きです。”?


Also, to express liking do we say “like is”, translating it literally?

Complete beginner here.


  1. the の nominalizes the verb phrase, turning the “絵を見る” into a noun and then the が marks the subject, it indicates that the action of “絵を見る” is the thing that is liked

    it’s kind of like saying “I like the act of looking at pictures”

  2. “好き”is an adjective meaning”likeable”/”liked”. “です”is here adding politeness. がmarks the subjects – that’s why with”xが好きです”、”xがじょうずです”we use が- it’s the X that is being liked, it does the action. Literal translation would be”is being liked” or “does likeable”, “is liked [by me/somebody”]”. のturns the verb into a noun (for example たべる->たべるの、eat->eating), you can add particles after it.
    You can find many videos explain this kind of grammar on YouTube and they’ll probably do it better than me :>>

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