Documents for changing status to “Engineer/Specialist in humanities/International services”

Looking at random articles about the topic, it seems that the process needs quite a few documents such as resume, etc. But when looking at the MoJ website\*, if the company falls into category 1 you barely need any documents.

This kinda sounds way too lax (not even requiring a graduation certificate?) and making me wonder whether I’m missing something here. Does anyone has an experience with this?


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1 comment
  1. You might be looking at the wrong section? (CoE as opposed to changing status, as the top of the page is for CoE, you need to scroll down for changing status)


    It does require your graduation certificate.

    8. 申請人の学歴及び職歴その他経歴等を証明する文書
    (1) 申請に係る技術又は知識を要する職務に従事した機関及び内容並びに期間を明示した履歴書 1通

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