Got my new zairyu card, what’s next?

Last year when my student visa got extended, I remember that I had to go to the ward office to do something.

Now that I changed my visa type, is there anything I should do in my local ward office?

I tried going there earlier but my lack of Japanese skills somehow redirected the conversation to my expired My Number card. So I’m not sure if there’s anything else I should do or not lol

  1. If you have a bank account, they probably would want to see your updated card so that they don’t lock your account.

  2. You don’t need to go the ward office after you receive your new residence card from Immigration; however, the My Number card’s expiration date is connected to your residence card. So if your residence card expires, so does the My Number card.

    If you want to get it renewed, you pay a fee (depends on the type of My Number card you did when you set it up, the more expensive one is 1,000 yen) but it can be done in 1 trip to the ward office. If you don’t plan on using the card for anything, you don’t -have- to renew it, but I imagine you won’t be able to use it as ID in the future if it’s expired.

    Otherwise, like someone else said, your bank usually needs to know when your residence card gets renewed, as does perhaps your employer or school, so you should double check with them.

    The only time you need to report a change to the ward office is if you change your name, address, etc. as it relates to your residence card. Just a regular, standard renewal though, you’re okay.

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