Yet another am I eligible for PR? post

Hi there,

I’ve been in Japan 4.5 years, married for 3 years to a Japanese spouse, no kids. Paid all taxes until now. Currently on a 3 year humanitarian visa but job will end in 6 months.

According to the guidelines it says you can apply for PR if you’ve been married for 3 years and lived in Japan for more than 1 year.

If I apply for PR could I realistically be approved? Or am I being overly optimistic… ? If anyone was in a similar situation could share their experience that would help a lot.

  1. No direct experience; if your household income is at a decent level and has been stable for the past few years then I would think yes, although your job may end before they finish processing your application which would be an issue. If it were me I’d apply ASAP but you’re probably best advised to talk to a lawyer/specialist.

  2. Not sure, but I think that only applies if you are on a spouse vise to begin with.

  3. If your job status changes while your application is being processed you need to inform them. I’d say there’s a realistic chance that could cause your application to fail.

  4. The 3 year marriage is the first major hurdle.

    I guess the next step would be to prove financial stability. While it isn’t a strict requirement, it does help I believe. Is your spouse also up to par with taxes and social insurance?

    If so, then I think you have a decent chance.

  5. I’m also waiting to become eligible for PR, but my understanding was that even spouses needed to have a residence card with more than just a 1 year validity. In addition to the being married for 3 or more years with at least 1 year residency in Japan

    [How to get Permanent Residence in Japan – 高度人材の永住許可サポートデスク (](

    though honestly, even as I searched for the above link and scanned through some different websites, some had the same info as I stated above, but some made it sound like only regular workers (not spouses) applying for PR had to have the maximum period of stay to be eligible…

  6. You shouldn’t end/change jobs while application is processing. And on average it takes 6 months, so there’s a chance you won’t be approved.

  7. Find a solicitor (行政書士) who specialises in immigration and ask them. Almost all of them will do a free consultation.

  8. Also, make sure that your partner paid all taxes and pension on time for the last 2/3 years. Even if you have a perfect record, if he/she paid one time too late you will not get your PR.

  9. >I’ve been in Japan 4.5 years, married for 3 years to a Japanese spouse, no kids. Paid all taxes until now. Currently on a 3 year humanitarian visa but job will end in 6 months.

    Yes, you qualify and will be approved as long as you’re also paying your pension.

    I got PR after 1 year here married a long long time.

  10. Yes you are. PR as spouse of Japanese is “easy mode”, as long as you and your spouse have been paying taxes/pension and don’t have am extremely low/insecure income, you’re pretty much guaranteed to get approved.

  11. Apply now. Mine took about 5 1/2 months from application to approval. You might get it before your job ends.

  12. IM just like you but have way more years both in japan and married.


    Our guess is that my wife didnt pay HER taxes on time ONCE somewhere around 5 years ago. No idea because they dont explain why you are rejected (unless you make and appointment and go to a differetn place)

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