Medium/short term (max 2 months) parking

Does anybody know a service that can allow me to use a parking slot for vehicles (SUV size) for a period of 2 months (max) without having to pay exorbitant fees (key money et al)?

I’ve done some light reading online including reading the article on tokyo cheapo about finding parking slots.

I live in Bunkyo and I’d be purchasing a vehicle for 2 months use before shipping it to another country incase that info is useful.

Any other tips relevant to the about situation is appreciated.

  1. If you are purchasing the car, you’d need to make a contract with a parking within 2km of your residence to use it for shakoshomeisho. You can search for “月極駐車場” on google search along with your area to find some leads. Not sure if exporting the car changes anything.

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