Language question – what should I call these?

Hi, I’m making an [iPhone game]( and want to translate it into Japanese. I’m struggling with what to call 2 things in the game that don’t exist in life… Can you suggest names for these, please?

* “**Swatters” -** these are moving walls that block your way or push you when they move. They work like keyrings or clock hands and look like pinecones. [](
* **”Corner-cutters” -** these move in partially circular paths and can injure you. [****](

  1. Try r/translator for better responses.

    If they don’t exist, then it would expressed in katakana, or phonetical alphabet.

    “Swatters” = スワッター
    “Corner Cutters” = コーナカッター

  2. you can just use katakana for name, as long as the tooltip for those elements are properly explained in Japanese.

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