Calling all chocolate-loving Brits!

Can anyone tell me anywhere I can get/order British chocolate that is not from the extortionate British Corner Shop site??

I really miss British chocolate! Japanese chocolate is actually tasteless for me and I don’t love Australian Cadbury’s.

If anyone has any ideas of where I could get some, that doesn’t break the bank, I’d be very grateful!


  1. I just bite the bullet and use the corner shop…it’s not so bad if you split shipping with a friend and if you catch a sale and stock up. It’s impossible to get real Cadbury’s any other way in my experience.

  2. Seiyu sometimes stocks Asda chocolates – not the best but closer to what we get back home

  3. “Japanese chocolate” as in the cheap combini stuff?
    Try the better stuff like Hotel Chocolat, which is British.

  4. Cadbury chocolate has been screwed since Kraft (Mondelez) bought them out. Try a Caferrant store. Usually in Aeon malls.

  5. There is a lot of good Japanese chocolate. But this is coming from a North American.

  6. So as a fellow chocolate loving Brit, I’ve found that my taste has begun to change. I no longer crave cadburys and have grown quite fond of Japanese chocolate. That being said, places like Kaldi and Seijo Ishi are going to be the most convenient places to get something close to what you want. I got a Terry’s chocolate orange from Kaldi the other day!

  7. I miss going chocolate shopping in Harrods. Japan is tricky, the best I have found so far is Royce, but it is a challenge to come by.

  8. My local Jupiter has three versions of Terry’s Chocolate Oranges at a reasonable price (and often on sale). Presumably other British stuff too, but I’m not especially familiar with them.

  9. Checkout Whittakers chocolate from Donki – made in NZ and quite good, especially the dark chocolate.

  10. Have you tried Swiss Lindt chocolate? You should be able to find it in big stores (Lindor balls, Lindt Excellence among others).

  11. You may be able to find some at your local Yamaya.
    Having said that, did you try the Godiva chocolate at Lawson or the chocolate sundae at Mini Stop?
    They’re not too shabby IMHO.

  12. Costco is your friend. Since I discovered the chocolates they have, I gained weight! Caffarel Gianduja – I am talking about you specifically! 🙂

  13. Is “British chocolate” even a thing? I know there is a wider variety of chocolate bars available but for quality in the UK you’re looking at Belgian, Swiss, German etc. Same here.

  14. Iv seen:
    – Terry’s Chocolate Orange in Donki (¥700ish)
    – Small Dairy Milk bars in Landrome (¥300ish)
    – Multiple things in Kaldi Coffe

    Good luck!

  15. Aside from what has been suggested here, another option worth investigating is Rakuten Ichiba. A search of イギリス チョコ should yield results. Still expensive but if you dig deep enough you might find something a bit more reasonable.

    But yeah, unfortunately compared to our American cousins we have slim pickings here mate. I think it is getting slowly better, though; more UK stuff has been trickling over here over the years. Costa Coffee is here now and has established itself well. Let’s just hold out for Jaffa Cakes to follow 🙂

  16. If you’re in the Tokyo area, you could try checking out Niki’s Confectionery Big Hall in Ueno.

  17. I make do with Toblerone, McVities Chocolate Digestives, Crispy M&Ms and Terry’s Chocolate Orange tbh. Maybe some Daim from IKEA too every so often.

    I quite like the Kaldi Cadbury’s, but I’ve been here so long I’ve probably forgotten what British Cadbury’s taste like haha. I get my dad to send me Minstrels every so often, my fave 🤍

    My favourite Japanese chocolate is the little TIROL Choco Coffee Nougat. Cheap and yummy :))) also Meiji Macadamia Chocolates are nice. That’s about it for me though as I don’t like Japanese chocolate either.

    Also to add, I sadly did NOT enjoy the Asda chocolate from Seiyu at all for some reason 🙁

  18. Hotel Chocolat is in Japan and I think they allow you to order online. Not the cheapest option, but they are tasty.

  19. im nit s brit so idk if you know Milka chocolate but I also hate Japanese chocolate and only like the one from Europe. anyway i found Milka in this random candy store that had heaps of various types of candy, snacks, toys, decorations and whatnots. most of the stuff was Japanese but they had foreign stuff as well. not even that expensive imo. so maybe check those kinda stores out, they are in shopping malls usually

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