How does 気 have both the 气 and 乞 radicals in it?

I get the first one, but I’m having trouble seeing how the latter fits in there and why jisho would list both as components when they look very similar and the “x” in the bottom is clearly the「ノ」and 「丶」radicals that are alos listed as parts

  1. (1) 気 is a simplified form of 氣

    (2) 氣 has the Phono-Semantic component 气 & the Semantic component 米

    (3) 気 has the Phono-Semantic component 气 & simplifies the Semantic component 米 to the meaningless 㐅

    (4) 気 doesn’t have anything to do with 丶, ノ, or 乞

    (5) The only radical in either 気 or 氣 is 气

  2. it might be that they only include 乞 to help users who are searching for a character by what strokes it contains.

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